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Since 2015, The Tanzie Project has worked tirelessly to rescue and rehome forgotten Bosnian dogs, thanks to you.


Your tax-deductible donation will help fight street-dog cruelty by getting these animals off the streets, giving them medical care, and finding them the perfect home.  You're helping us make a life-changing difference for homeless animals across Bosnia. Thank you for making the The Tanzie Project and the animals we serve a part of your life.


Other ways to give:

Order your Pet Food at 

& we get a $20 donation!



You will only see official requests for funds posted publicly via The Tanzie Project (TTP) communication platforms (social media pages and groups, website, email newsletters, etc.).


While we do encourage our supporters’ interaction with TTP’s Officers, Directors, Volunteers, and Rescuer Partners, no one serving in an official TTP capacity should ever solicit supporters directly for donations or other financial support on behalf of the organization, whether by social media, phone, email, or any other means.


In the spirit of pride for the work we do together, as well as transparency, you can see and read more about our team and rescue partners.


If you ever feel you’ve been solicited directly for monetary support in this manner, please notify us immediately.


As unfortunate as it is, the potential exists for people’s generosity to be taken advantage of. As a result, please note that TTP can not provide any charitable donation tax documentation for funds sent to Bosnian street dog rescuers who are either: 1) not sponsored by TTP; 2) are not the recipient of an official TTP fundraiser; or 3) are a frequently TTP-sponsored rescuer, but are asking for funds outside of an official TTP fundraiser. This is to maintain transparency and legitimacy in our financial records, and to assure our supporters that donations go directly to an approved program.


We hope this does not cause any concern over your support for TTP - we consider every single donor, and every single donation made, no matter the amount, a huge blessing to our cause – your support is truly a gift; one whose scope and impact is something we could never have imagined. We can’t thank you enough for all you do for Tanzie and her Bosnian fur friends!


On behalf of TTP’s officers and directors, I truly appreciate your support. Together, we can #savebosnianstrays!!


Katie Gar Ward


The Tanzie Project, Inc

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The Tanzie Project, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) registered nonprofit, incorporated in Virginia (EIN: 81-1006591).


We support global animal rescue and adoption through networking and volunteers.


Our mission is to bring awareness and support to saving the forgotten, homeless pets of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in other areas of the Balkan Peninsula.  


© 2021  |  The Tanzie Project, Inc.








Troy, VA 22974

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